How to Get Fish Smell Out of Air Fryer: Tips and Tricks

Air fryers have become an incredibly popular kitchen appliance due to their ability to produce crispy and delicious food with less oil. However, cooking strong-smelling foods like fish in an air fryer can leave behind unwanted odors that linger. In this article, we will explore effective methods to eliminate fish smells from your air fryer, ensuring that your next meal doesn’t carry any unwanted scents.

Understanding the Challenge

Cooking fish in an air fryer can leave an overpowering smell due to the confined space and hot air circulation. This smell tends to stick around, even after cooking, making it essential to address the issue effectively.

Prevention is Key

  1. Choose Fresher Fish: Opt for fresher fish as they tend to emit fewer odors during cooking.
  2. Marinate Thoughtfully: Use citrus-based marinades to minimize fish odors before cooking.

Immediate Steps After Cooking

  1. Ventilation: Place the air fryer near an open window to allow the odor to dissipate.
  2. Boiling Water: Boil water with lemon or vinegar in the air fryer to neutralize the smell.

Deep Cleaning Techniques

  1. Unplug and Cool Down: Always ensure the air fryer is unplugged and cooled down before cleaning.
  2. Disassemble Carefully: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to take apart removable parts.
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Lemon and Vinegar Magic

  1. Lemon Water Soak: Soak a cloth in lemon water and wipe the interior. Leave it open to air dry.
  2. Vinegar Steam Clean: Mix water and vinegar, steam clean the fryer to eliminate odors.

Utilizing Baking Soda

  1. Baking Soda Paste: Make a paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the interior, and scrub gently.
  2. Overnight Absorption: Leave an open box of baking soda inside the air fryer overnight.

Coffee Grounds Absorption

Fill a bowl with coffee grounds and place it in the air fryer. Coffee absorbs strong odors effectively.

The Power of Newspaper

Crumple newspaper and place it inside the air fryer. Leave it for a few hours to absorb the fish smell.

Regular Maintenance

Clean your air fryer after every use, following the manufacturer’s guidelines. This prevents buildup of odors over time.

Proper Storage

Store the air fryer in a well-ventilated area. Avoid closing the fryer immediately after cooking to let lingering steam escape.

Alternative Cooking Methods

For particularly strong-smelling dishes, consider alternative cooking methods like grilling or baking.

Choosing the Right Air Fryer

When buying an air fryer, read reviews to choose one known for its effective odor control features.

Taking Advantage of Technology

Some air fryers come with deodorizing settings or features. Explore these options when making a purchase.


Cooking fish in an air fryer doesn’t have to mean enduring lingering odors. By following these tips and tricks, you can enjoy your favorite fish dishes without worrying about unwanted smells. Experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for you and make the most out of your air fryer cooking experience.

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  1. Can I use air fresheners to eliminate fish smells from my air fryer? While it’s tempting, using air fresheners directly inside the air fryer is not recommended as it may interfere with the appliance’s functionality. Stick to natural odor removal methods.
  2. How often should I deep clean my air fryer to prevent odors? Aim to deep clean your air fryer every few weeks, depending on your usage frequency. Regular maintenance after each use is equally important.
  3. Is it safe to use lemon and vinegar inside the air fryer? Yes, it’s safe to use lemon and vinegar as long as you dilute them with water. Make sure to follow the suggested methods for steam cleaning and wiping.
  4. Can I cook other strong-smelling foods in the air fryer without worry? Yes, the methods discussed in this article apply to other strong-smelling foods as well. Adjust the techniques according to the specific odor.
  5. Do all air fryers have deodorizing features? No, not all air fryers have deodorizing features. Research and read product specifications to find an air fryer with this capability if odor control is a concern for you.

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