Can Blender Be Used For Dry Grinding?

Do you have some dry ingredients to grind but no dedicated grinder at your disposal? But what you might have in your house right now is a blender that does a similar job but with a different method. So, the question is, can a blender be used for dry grinding without damaging it?

Don’t worry; you might have a way to get the job done if you have a blender around. You can use a blender to dry grinding, but it won’t give you the same experience and is not so ideal for your blender. If your blender is powerful enough, you can dry-grind things with the right procedure. 

We’ve outlined all you need to know about using your blender to grind your dry ingredients. So, let’s get to it real quick.

Can You Use Blender Instead Of Grinder?

You can use a blender in place of your grinder. Most recent blenders come with grinding functionality, and they have high-quality motors to take on the task. These models provide a great option for grinding your hard and dry ingredients and spices.

So, if you have a dry ingredient like fruits or nuts, you can also use your blender to get the work done. Although the blender and grinder have almost the same functionalities, they have their distinctions.

What is the Difference Between a Blender and a Grinder?

The key distinction between a blender and a grinder is their functionalities. Even though some people bridge what these two do, there are some notable functional strengths of the grinder and the blender over each other.

What is the Difference Between a Blender and a Grinder

Type of ingredients

A blender functions properly for blending wet solids and liquids. It usually is much larger than a grinder and comes with more functionalities. You use a blender for wet grinding. One other feature of the blender is that it can have several blades or one blade set whose blades are both upwards and downwards.

These blenders make it easier for ingredients and give a smooth paste. While blenders are generally used for blending wet foods, you might want to go for a good reliable blender for grinding rice or other dry ingredients like nuts and grains.

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On the other hand, the grinder is used for breaking down both wet and dry ingredients. In addition, grinders can function in grinding nuts, grains, seeds, and herbs. The grinder works ideally for crushing dry, chopped, and hard food materials into a finer and smoother texture.

Although it’s common to see some grinders consist of more than one set of blades, you can usually find a horizontal and flat blade set that either tapers at either side and only at the tips.

Quantity of ingredients

Also, if you want to use your blender for grinding, you’ll need to ensure to put only a handful amount. This is because, to get an optimal result, the blender requires only a small quantity of ingredients. So, grind between one cup to one and a half of the dry ingredients at once. Additionally, you do want to tap the pulse button on your blender frequently to give you the ideal texture. Some dry ingredients require heat and consistency for their oils and flavor to come out.

On the other, a grinder cracks those hard ingredients, and the quantity doesn’t matter except to match the size of the grinder.

Can Blender Be Used For Dry Grinding?

Blenders are not only efficient for crushing and smoothening wet liquids but also for dry grinding. However, even though some model brands have grinding functions, not all blenders are efficient enough to grind dry seeds, nuts, etc.

One advantage of grinders over blenders is that grinders crush all the food materials and ingredients into a uniform texture and size. On the flip side, using a blender to grind hard, dry, and crunchy ingredients will produce an uneven and rough finish.

Can Blender Be Used For Dry Grinding

While dry grinding requires a consistent texture and finish, and using a blender to grind in bulk doesn’t provide that, you will need to blend the grains in smaller quantities to give you the best results. Not only that, blend in bits, and more preferably, ensure to use the pulse button on your blender.

Now that we’ve seen all these let’s consider the steps to use your blender for dry grinding below.

How to Use Blender for Dry Grinding?

When you want to blend your dry ingredients using your blender, you don’t immediately blend them on the go. This is because if your blender is not a special grinding blender, you might as well end up having a poor-quality result, and over time, your blender will develop serious issues.

How to Use Blender for Dry Grinding

So, what are the steps in drying your hard, crusty, and dry nuts?

Step 1: Put the dry ingredients in a zip-lock bag

The first thing to do is to put your ingredients into a bag—ziplock will be preferred. Next, put all you want to blend in the zip-lock plastic bag. Then, flatten the bag on a plain surface like a cutting board.

Step 2: Get a Hammer

When you’re done, get a hammer—a kitchen hammer, preferably. You’d use this to crush the seeds into smaller pieces within the plastic bag. This way, the seeds will have a coarse texture and become easier to blend using the blender.

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Step 3: Turn the ingredients into the blender

After that, you will turn out the contents of the plastic bag into your blender to finalize the process. Power on your blender and blend the ingredients till they give you a fine quality. Also, using the blender in the highest power setting will help provide this quality within a shorter time.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dry Grinding With Blender

Using your blender to grind dry ingredients has its good and bad sides.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Dry Grinding With Blender

Advantages of Dry Grinding with a Blender

Saves Cost

One major benefit of dry grinding with a blender is saving costs. Also, if you buy a high-end grinder blender or blender that comes with grinding features, then you can save the costs of buying a grinder separately.

Now that we’ve seen the benefits of dry grinding with a blender let’s consider the limitations.

Disadvantages of Dry Grinding with a Blender

Can provide a poorer Quality

This can happen if you’re using an older model blender, which is already worn out, and its blades are not so efficient. Dry grinding with these kinds of blenders will give you tough work, as they can be damaged, grind the ingredients unevenly, and make the work messier. Moreover, this can cause the flavor within the ingredient to not come out properly.

Damages the Blades and motor

Another disadvantage is that using the blender to blend your dry ingredients over a long time can spoil your blender blades. Also, blending many dry ingredients will put excessive pressure on your blender’s motor. Consistent pressure on the motor will cause damage.

Safety Considerations When Dry Grinding with a Blender

When grinding with a blender, there are some things you might want to consider for your safety. Check them below.

Safety Considerations When Dry Grinding with a Blender

1. Always ensure to grind the dry ingredients into bits

When blending hard and dry ingredients, it’s important to blend them in small batches and bits. This is important to avoid overloading your blender’s motor and damaging it. Therefore, avoid packing excess ingredients into your blender.

2. Sharpen your blender blades

After using your blender to grind, dry ingredients will wear out over time, which can be rather redundant. However, you do want your blender blades to be sharp and provide maximum quality of ground products.

3. Avoid blending these things

There are some things you shouldn’t put in your blender. They include the following:

  1. Mashed Potatoes
  2. Extra-Frozen Foods
  3. Extremely Hot Liquid
  4. Utensil while the blender is in operation.

Bottom Line

Can a blender be used for dry grinding? Of course, you can use your blender for dry grinding. But you must be aware of the age and quality of the blender you want to use. Once you have the right blender, you need to blend the hard ingredients in small bits so that you won’t damage the blender’s motor.


In conclusion, blenders can be used for dry grinding, but it’s important to understand their limitations and follow best practices. Choosing the right ingredients, using proper blending techniques, and maintaining the blender are key factors in achieving desirable grinding results. While blenders offer convenience and versatility, individuals with frequent dry grinding needs might consider investing in dedicated appliances like coffee grinders or food processors.


  1. Can I grind flaxseeds in a blender? Yes, blenders can effectively grind flaxseeds into a fine powder.
  2. Is it safe to grind coffee beans in a blender? Yes, blenders can be used to grind coffee beans but ensure that the blender is thoroughly cleaned to prevent flavor contamination.
  3. Can I grind dried herbs in a blender? Absolutely, dried herbs can be ground in a blender for culinary use.
  4. What is the ideal speed for dry grinding in a blender? Starting with a low speed and gradually increasing it can help achieve a consistent grind without overheating the ingredients.
  5. Can I use a blender to grind grains like rice into flour? Yes, blenders can be used to grind grains into flour, but it’s important to do it in batches to avoid overloading the motor.

7 thoughts on “Can Blender Be Used For Dry Grinding?”

  1. Awesome post! Who knew a Blender could be this versatile? I’m definitely trying out some dry grinding now. Thanks for the tips! 🍽️👍😄

  2. I am currently writing a paper and a bug appeared in the paper. I found what I wanted from your article. Thank you very much. Your article gave me a lot of inspiration.

  3. I’ve always used my blender for making smoothies and soups, but I never thought about using it for dry grinding. This post has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for my kitchen!


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