Can You Blend Raw Carrots In A Blender?

Wondering how you can make carrot juice using your blender? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. While it’s a pretty simple process, you do want to know how to do it without breaking the blades or damaging the machine. That’s right, you might damage a blender while blending raw carrots. Well, unless you know how it’s done more efficiently.

So, how can you blend raw carrots in a blender without damaging it?

You can blend them in a blender only after washing, scrapping any unwanted sides, and slicing them in. Then, blend away using an appropriate blending case to avoid leakages.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of blending your carrots in a blender. You will also understand why you need to blend the carrot in a raw form and some other relevant information.

Can You Blend Raw Carrots in A Blender?

So, how can you blend raw carrots in a blender? This is ideal if you want to make carrot juice DIY way. Also, it’s good to understand that whatever your teeth can grind, a blender can blend. So, blending a carrot in a blender shouldn’t be a complicated process.

Can You Blend Raw Carrots in A Blender

Moreover, there are different types of blenders, and many of them can blend raw carrots without hitches. Some of them you can use include:

The full-sized blender

This type of blender is suitable for blending raw carrots. The reason is that the blades are larger than the smaller ones and the motor is also very powerful. With a good model from a reputable brand, you can blend your carrot without fear of damage. However, you will still need to stop the process every 3 seconds.

Specialty blenders

These types of blenders are versatile and can handle stronger ingredients than carrots. They can even grind rice, nuts, and other harder substances. Some models come with different settings for grinding, chopping, blending, and even mixing. So, blending carrots with specialty blenders is an easy process.

How to Blend Raw Carrots in A Blender?

Now that we’ve highlighted that you can blend carrots in a blender, we also need to consider the steps in blending carrots.

Blend Raw Carrots in A Blender

  • Wash the Carrots and let dry: The first thing you’d need is to wash the carrots in warm rushing water. Then rinse and pat dry them for some time.
  • Soak them in a pot of water: When you’re done doing that, soak the bunch of carrots in a pot of clean water for about 30 minutes.
  • Chop the Carrots: When you’re done soaking the carrots, you need to chop your carrots properly.
  • Prepare the Oranges: For the oranges, peel their outer skin, take out the seeds, and disassemble the oranges.
  • Pour water into the blender: Then, pour a quarter measure (1/4) of water into the blender to smoothen the process.
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Put the carrots and ingredients

When you’re done with this, put the carrots, oranges, and any other compatible fruit or vegetable you have on you. Also, you can add yogurt to sweeten the puree and make it a creamy smoothie. You can also add fruits like strawberries, mango, blueberries, etc. All these contain Fiber and Vitamin C in large quantities. You can alternatively add Banana as it is a rich source of potassium.

Furthermore, to increase the level of protein contained in your drink, you can add some low-fat yogurt.

Blend thoroughly

When you’re done, you need to blend the mixture. One thing to note is that this process requires a high-speed blender to smoothen the entire experience. So, ensure that you’ve got that available before heading on to blend. Then, when it is in place, blend until the entire mixture turns into a smooth puree.

Also, you need to know that, while most blenders can blend carrots, getting a blender for carrot juice can help you do it in scale if you’re into a business with carrot juice or something. You can also Boil Carrots Before Blending.

Pass it through a filter

Then, it’s time to filter the pulp from the juice. To do this, place a fine-mesh strainer or double-layered cheesecloth on an average-sized bowl and turn the puree on it. When you’re done with that, gather all the edges of the cheesecloth, then twist it. Twist it effectively and adequately to extract as much juice as possible.

Pour the juice into a cup

After doing that, you pour the juice from the bowl into a cup. Then, place the ice cubes in it. Ta-da! Your homemade carrot juice is good to go.

What to do with Carrot Juice Pulp?

One universal thing we can all admit is that, naturally, we’d all do away with the pulp. However, it doesn’t really seem so good, but it comes off as the hugest thing we all do once in a while. So, we’ve scripted out a step-by-step procedure on what you can do with the Carrot juice pulp. At first, you can integrate it with other things, like smoothies. On we go.

What to do with Carrot Juice Pulp

Use in Smoothies

One major way you can use your carrot juice pulp is by using it in smoothies. Aside from that, you can put it in your deep freezer. This will enable it to have an icy outlook. Some options you can put in the carrot juice pulp include Perfect Berry Smoothie, Fruit Smoothie, Pineapple Smoothie, and even Blueberry Banana smoothie.


Compost is a dark, crumbly, and nutrient-rich material that is created through the natural decomposition of organic matter. It is often used as a fertilizer and soil conditioner in gardening and agriculture. One last and final thing you can do with your carrot juice pulp is to place it in your pile of compost. These pulps have indeed lost their worth.

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Why Blend Carrots?

There are several benefits to why consuming your carrots as a liquid can help out. In this section, we’ll discuss the few benefits of blending carrots.

Why Blend Carrots

Benefits of Blending Carrots

Improve your immune System

Carrot juice can enhance your immune system. It contains Vitamins A and C, which function as an antioxidant and secures your cells from any radical damage. Also, carrot juice is abundant in Vitamin B6; one 240 ml cup of carrot juice provides more than 30% of the DV.

Enhances Eye Health

Carrot juice is sufficient in nutrients that improve your eyes. It abundantly contains more than 250% vitamin A, which is very good for your eye health. More importantly, one 250 ml cup of carrot juice is more than 250% of Vitamin DV.

As we’ve stated, vitamin A is essential for eye health. Additionally, carrot juice from blended carrots is an ideal source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are useful for protecting your eyes from hurtful light.

Improves Cancer Immunity

Carrot juice is abundant in antioxidants used to inhibit cell destruction before it starts. A study showed that eating non-starchy vegetables and fruits such as carrots can decrease the possibility of getting various kinds of cancer, including the mouth, stomach, lungs, esophagus, etc.

Cardiovascular Advantages

One other benefit of carrot juice is that it is abundant in potassium, which is useful for keeping your hand fit. In addition, it helps in reducing your blood pressure naturally. So, if you want to reduce blood pressure without taking any medications, you should consider taking a cup of blended carrot juice. However, speak to your doctor before terminating all prescriptions.

Skin Improvement

One invaluable thing about consuming carrot juice (blended carrot) is that it is rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to heal and refresh the skin. If you have injuries or skin blemishes, consuming sufficient carrot juice will help speed up the healing process and clean away all rashes. In addition, it contains a nutrient known as beta carotene that attacks skin inflammation.

Highly Nutritious

Carrots contain low calories and carbohydrates while containing several nutrients. Notably, one 240 ml of carrot blend contains:

  • Calories: 96g.
  • Fat: < 1g.
  • Carbs: 22g.
  • Protein: 2g.
  • Sugars: 9g.
  • Fiber: 2g.
  • Potassium: 15% of the overall Daily Value.
  • Vitamin A (in Provitamin): 255% of the DV.
  • Vitamin C: 23% of the DV.
  • Vitamin K: 31% of the Daily.
Blender For Carrot Juices

9 Best Blender For Carrot Juices [Top Picks of 2024 Reviewed]

Juicing fruit is not only the easiest but also the most delicious way of enjoying them. Well, it is because you can leverage the power of a blender or juicer to make you a glass of delicious drink! If you regularly have carrot juice and getting an expensive juicer for that, a blender can be …

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Put Raw Carrots In A Ninja Blender?

Yes, You can put raw carrots in a Ninja Blender since it has a powerful 1000W motor and efficient stainless steel blades.

Can you put raw carrots in a Nutribullet?

Yes, You can create carrot juice using the Nitribullet brand. As well as other existing and leading blender companies, you can blend any vegetable of your choice.

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Is it better to Drink Carrot Juice or Eat Whole Carrots?

It’s best to consume your carrot in whichever way you prefer. Rather than munching on noisy chunks of carrots, you can go ahead and go for the carrot juice.

Can I blend carrots without peeling them?

Yes, you can blend carrots without peeling them if you prefer. However, peeling can enhance the texture and flavor of your blend.

Are there any specific blender settings for carrots?

Using the “smoothie” or “liquefy” setting on your blender is typically suitable for blending raw carrots.

Can I blend carrots with other vegetables?

Absolutely! Carrots can be blended with a variety of vegetables like spinach, kale, and celery to create nutrient-packed green smoothies.

Are there any health risks associated with blending raw carrots?

Blending raw carrots is generally safe; however, excessive consumption may lead to an orange hue in the skin, known as carotenemia, which is harmless and reversible.

Can I use frozen carrots for blending?

Yes, frozen carrots can be used for blending. Just thaw them slightly before adding them to the blender for smoother results.

Final Words

As you can now understand, blending carrots is not a big deal if you know the steps that go into the process of making juice. After preparing the carrots, you need to chop them into pieces, throw them into the blender, and run the blender until you get your desired paste.

So, that’s how can you blend raw carrots in a blender and fasten your cooking process. Just ensure to wash it clean, prepare the other fruits, then blend them. Moreover, there are different blenders, and not all of them can blend raw carrots. So, get a full-sized blender or a specialty blender for a hassle-free operation.

4 thoughts on “Can You Blend Raw Carrots In A Blender?”

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