Can You Whip Egg Whites In A Blender?

Whipped Egg Whites are the main ingredient of pastries, desserts, meringue, and other recipes.  It provides a unique effect to make your pastries and desserts fluffy and to make sweetened meringue. Your dishes will be perfect and tasty if you whip egg whites perfectly.

Have you ever tried whipping egg whites in the blender? If not,  then you might be curious to know how can you whip egg whites in a blender. Well, blender whipping is the perfect way to make delicate meringue or whipped cream. And trust us, it’s much faster and easier than using an electric mixer or bowl and whisking by hand.

In this blog post, we’ll explain how to whip egg whites in a blender, along with the different types of blenders that are best for the task. We’ll also reveal the steps involved in creating stiff peaks from egg whites so that you can whip egg whites like a professional.

Can You Whip Egg Whites In A Blender?

Many people find that using a blender to whip egg whites is difficult and inefficient – and the results are often gritty, lumpy, and raw. Luckily, there is a much more effective way to achieve the same result – with a blender! By using a blender, you can achieve smooth, fluffy egg whites in just minutes.

Can You Whip Egg Whites In A Blender

We will walk you through the three stages of whipping egg whites and explain the benefits of each. By following these tips, you will be able to achieve the desired result every time.

Stages Of Whipping

When you whip egg whites by blender or hand, they go under different stages (or peaks). They are as follows:

  • Stage-1: Foamy peak: Initially, egg whites produce transparent foams.
  • Stage 2: Soft peak: After the transparent peak it turns hazy to white foam. You can add the ingredients now according to the recipe.
  • Stage 3: Firm peak: The egg whites hold on to the firm shape for a longer period.
  • Stage-4: Stiff peak: The last stage you desire for your recipe is called the stiff stage for its stiffness.

How To Whip Egg Whites In A Blender?

Whipping egg whites in a blender can be a boring task, but with the right tips and tricks, it’s not as difficult as you might think. You can whip egg whites quickly and easily in a flour blender machine.

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How To Whip Egg Whites In A blender

There are a few important steps to keep in mind when trying to whip egg whites in a blender.

  • Step-1: Get the blender ready: Make sure that the blender is working properly and cleaned before you begin. Dust particles can cause whipping problems.
  • Step 2: Start foaming: Pour the egg whites into the blender and start the blender at slow speed for 30 seconds until it is transparent and foams (foamy peak)
  • Step 3: Add ingredients: After that, start by adding the sugar, cream of tartar, and vanilla extract to your blender jug or bowl, then blend until each has been fully incorporated.
  • Step-4: Slowly drizzle: Slowly drizzle in your whipping cream until the eggs begin to appear foamy, then add more cream if needed, 1 tablespoon at a time.
  • Step-5: Last whip: Whip for about 1-2 minutes on slow speed, stopping as necessary and gently stirring with a spoon or rubber spatula. If you find that egg whites are still too thick after blending this way for 30 seconds or longer: Add more cream and whip another 30 seconds.

Why Won’t My Egg Whites Whip To Stiff Peaks?

There are a few reasons your egg whites might not be whipping to stiff peaks in your blender.

  • Over-Whipping: One of the most common causes is over-whipping. The proteins in the egg whites become so gelatinized that they can’t flow freely and form peaks.
  • Whipping for too long: Over-whipping can be caused by excessive motor power or whipping the egg whites for too long. To avoid this problem, make sure to begin by whipping the egg whites until they form soft peaks and then gradually increasing the motor power as needed.
  • Using too much sugar: Too much sugar will make your egg whites thick, heavy, and gloppy and will be difficult to whip into peaks. In order to get stiff peaks, make sure to use just a small amount of sugar in your blender recipe.
  • High temperature: If the mixture’s temperature is too high, it causes the egg whites to become foamy instead of stable.
  • Cold environment: The most common reason is that your bowl or blender is too cold. When the bowl or blender is too cold, the liquid in your egg whites starts to form ice crystals, which causes the proteins to clump.
  • Inadequate power:  your blender may not be powerful enough. If you’re using a standard blender, increase the speed to high or use a more powerful blender.

Why Is My Egg Whites Whip Not Fluffy?

Egg whites are the most delicate and important part of an egg – they are responsible for the structure and the flavor. It is essential to make sure the eggs are whipped properly. Sometimes factors like temperature or humidity can affect how well they are whipped.

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But, with the right ingredients and techniques, you can whip them to the softest, fluffiest consistency. Here are four things you can do to help your eggs whip easier:

  • Place them in an incubator to increase the temperature and humidity.
  • Use an ice cream maker to help the egg whites whip faster and more easily.
  • Combine egg whites, sugar, and egg yolk in a bowl, and whip them until the whites are stiff peaks form.
  • Keep the eggs at room temperature for a longer time to help them whip easier.

Types Of Blenders Use To Whip Egg Whites

There are a few different types of blenders that can be used to whip egg whites. The most common type is a Nutribullet blender, which is the type that most people are familiar with.

Another type of blender that can be used to whip egg whites is the immersion blender. Just make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for using the blender, and pay close attention to the safe usage guidelines for the specific blender that you are using.

Nutribullet Blender

A Nutribullet blender is perfect for making meringue and other light, fluffy toppings, as it blends them quickly and easily. However, be aware that the speed setting on a blender can have a big impact on the outcome of your mixture.

Nutribullet Blender

If you want to achieve the smoothest whipped egg whites possible, keep the speed low while ensuring that the mixture does not become hot or frothy.

Immersion Blender

There’s something about the traditional egg white whipping process that just feels satisfying. Perhaps it’s the sense of accomplishment after whipping the whites to the desired consistency.

Or perhaps it’s the whirring of the mixer blades that puts us in a good mood. Whether the case may be, immersion blenders are becoming more popular, especially among those who prefer convenience over hand-whip consistency.

Immersion Blender

While blenders may not be ideal for thickening sauces or gravies, they are perfect for making delicate tasks like whipped egg whites – perfect for recipes.

Flour Blender Machine

By using a flour blender, you can achieve the same results as a stand mixer in terms of texture and volume. Plus, flour blenders are affordable and easy to use, making them an ideal choice for whipping egg whites.

Flour Blender Machine

So, if you’re looking for an affordable and convenient option that can help you achieve the perfect texture and volume, a flour blender is the right choice for you.


So there you have it! Blenders and eggs seem to go hand-in-hand and for a good reason too. Now you have the answer: Can you whip egg whites in a blender or not? While some people whip by whisking eggs by hand, you whip by using a blender to do the job.

Whichever method you prefer, we assure you that it will result in a flawless outcome every time. This is a handy tip for making whipped cream, mousse, and even frosting without using an electric mixer.

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By using a blender, you can achieve a more aerated and fluffy whipped cream than with an electric mixer. Additionally, by blending the egg whites first, you prevent them from becoming lumpy or grainy.  So, what are you waiting for? Start whipping egg whites in your blender today!


1. Can I use a hand blender instead of a traditional blender for whipping egg whites?

Yes, a hand blender can be a suitable alternative to a traditional blender for whipping egg whites, offering more control over the process.

2. How do I prevent over-whipping egg whites in a blender?

Start at a low speed and monitor the process closely. Stop blending as soon as you achieve the desired consistency to prevent over-whipping.

3. Can I use a blender to whip whole eggs, including yolks?

While a blender can whip whole eggs, it may not achieve the same consistency as whipping egg whites alone.

4. Are there any recipes where using a blender for whipping egg whites is recommended?

Blenders are particularly useful for recipes that require large quantities of whipped egg whites, such as angel food cake or certain types of meringues.

5. Can I use a food processor instead of a blender to whip egg whites?

While it’s possible to use a food processor for this task, blenders are generally better suited due to their design and speed control.

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5 thoughts on “Can You Whip Egg Whites In A Blender?”

  1. I’ve tried whipping egg whites in a blender a few times, and it worked like a charm! Just make sure your blender and the egg whites are both clean and dry for the best results.

  2. Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me? Can you do this same with a food processor?


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