Pyrex in Air Fryer

The world of cooking has evolved significantly with the advent of kitchen appliances like air fryers. These nifty gadgets offer a healthier alternative to deep frying, allowing you to enjoy your favorite crispy dishes with less oil. But what about using Pyrex in an air fryer? Is it safe, and how do you do it? This article will guide you through the ins and outs of using Pyrex in your air fryer.

Can You Put Pyrex in an Air Fryer?

Yes, you can use Pyrex in an air fryer, but there are some important considerations. Pyrex is known for its excellent heat resistance, making it suitable for a variety of cooking methods, including baking and roasting in an air fryer. However, there are different types of Pyrex, and not all are created equal.

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Pyrex Types and Compatibility

a. Borosilicate Glass Pyrex

Borosilicate glass Pyrex is highly heat-resistant and can withstand rapid temperature changes, which makes it a great choice for air fryer use. It is less likely to shatter due to extreme heat, making it a safer option.

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b. Soda-Lime Glass Pyrex

Soda-lime glass Pyrex is less heat-resistant compared to borosilicate glass Pyrex. It is not recommended for use in an air fryer as it may shatter under high temperatures.

Pyrex in Air Fryer

Safety Precautions

When using Pyrex in your air fryer, always:

  • Ensure the Pyrex dish is oven-safe.
  • Preheat the air fryer to the recommended temperature.
  • Place food in a Pyrex dish and put it in the preheated air fryer.
  • Avoid drastic temperature changes (e.g., placing a cold Pyrex dish in a hot air fryer).

Benefits of Using Pyrex in an Air Fryer

  1. Even Heat Distribution: Pyrex dishes ensure even cooking, resulting in perfectly cooked dishes.
  2. Easy Cleaning: Pyrex is non-porous, making it easy to clean.
  3. Versatility: You can use Pyrex in the air fryer for baking, roasting, and reheating.

Pyrex in Air Fryer

Potential Risks and Challenges

  1. Shattering: Using the wrong type of Pyrex can lead to shattering.
  2. Uneven Cooking: Pyrex may cause uneven cooking if not preheated properly.
  3. Limited Variety: Pyrex may not fit all air fryer sizes and shapes.

Tips for Cooking with Pyrex in an Air Fryer

  • Preheat the Pyrex dish before adding food.
  • Use oven mitts when handling hot Pyrex.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes.
  • Monitor your dish while cooking.

Popular Pyrex Brands for Air Fryers

Some trusted Pyrex brands suitable for air fryers include Pyrex, Anchor Hocking, and Arc International.

Cleaning and Maintaining Pyrex in Air Fryer

Cleaning Pyrex is easy. Use a non-abrasive sponge and mild detergent. Avoid extreme temperature changes while cleaning to prevent thermal shock.

Alternatives to Pyrex in Air Fryers

If you don’t have Pyrex or prefer other options, consider using silicone, stainless steel, or ceramic dishes in your air fryer.

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Pyrex in Air Fryer

Air Fryer Pyrex Recipes

To get you started, here are some popular Pyrex recipes for your air fryer:

  1. Roasted Vegetables
  2. Baked Chicken
  3. Air Fried French Fries

Customer Reviews and Experiences

Many users have successfully used Pyrex in their air fryers. They report that Pyrex dishes enhance cooking quality and simplify the cleaning process. Air Fryer and Microwave are both similar in terms of high temperature so you can also put pyrex in Microwave.


Using Pyrex in an air fryer is safe and offers several benefits, provided you choose the right type of Pyrex and follow safety precautions. Enjoy healthier, delicious meals with the help of Pyrex in your air fryer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I use Pyrex in any air fryer model?
    • The compatibility of Pyrex with air fryers depends on the specific model. Always check the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  2. What should I do if my Pyrex dish shatters in the air fryer?
  3. Is borosilicate glass the same as Pyrex?
    • No, Pyrex is a brand that may use borosilicate glass in some of its products.
  4. Can I cook frozen food in Pyrex in the air fryer?
    • Yes, you can cook frozen food in Pyrex in the air fryer, but ensure that the dish can handle the temperature change.
  5. Is it necessary to preheat the Pyrex dish in the air fryer?
    • Preheating helps ensure even cooking, so it’s recommended but not mandatory.

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