Can Microwave Ovens Explode? Causes Explained

Microwave ovens are a common appliance in most households, but have you ever wondered if they can explode? In this article, we will explore the science behind microwave ovens, the causes of explosions, and tips to prevent them.

How do Microwave Ovens Work?

Before we dive into the causes of microwave explosions, it is essential to understand how microwave ovens work. Microwave ovens use microwave radiation to heat up food. The radiation is produced by a magnetron, which converts electricity into microwave energy. The microwaves are then absorbed by the food, which excites the water molecules and generates heat. The heat produced by the molecules is what cooks the food.

What Causes Microwave Ovens to Explode?

Microwave ovens are generally safe to use, but they can explode under certain conditions. Let’s take a look at some of the common causes of microwave explosions.

Metal Objects in the Microwave

Metal objects can cause sparks and explosions in the microwave. This is because metal reflects microwaves and causes them to bounce around inside the oven. The microwaves can then create an electric current that can cause sparks or even ignite a fire. It is important to avoid putting any metal objects inside the microwave, including aluminum foil, utensils, and containers with metal accents.

Overheating and Superheating

Overheating and superheating are also common causes of microwave explosions. Overheating occurs when food is cooked for too long, causing it to dry out and ignite. Superheating happens when the water in the food heats up faster than it can turn into steam. The water can then become superheated, meaning it is hotter than its boiling point, which can cause an explosion.

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Damaged or Defective Microwaves

A damaged or defective microwave can also cause explosions. For instance, a malfunctioning magnetron can produce too much radiation, leading to an explosion. A microwave with damaged wiring or a damaged door can also be dangerous.

Signs of Microwave Explosions

There are several signs that your microwave has exploded. These include:

  • A loud bang or pop sound from inside the microwave
  • A burning smell or smoke coming from the microwave
  • Damage to the microwave door, walls, or turntable
  • The presence of sparks inside the microwave

If you notice any of these signs, it is essential to stop using the microwave immediately and have it inspected by a professional.

Safety Tips to Prevent Microwave Explosions

The good news is that there are several safety tips you can follow to prevent microwave explosions. These include:

Avoid Metal Objects

As mentioned earlier, metal objects should never be put inside the microwave. Make sure to use microwave-safe containers and utensils, which are made of materials that do not reflect microwaves.

Proper Use of Microwave

Proper use of the microwave is also crucial to prevent explosions. Make sure to read the user manual and follow the instructions carefully. Avoid overcooking or overheating food, as this can cause explosions. It is also important to keep the microwave clean and free of any debris that can cause problems.

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Regular maintenance and inspection of the microwave can help prevent explosions. Check the microwave regularly for any damage, such as cracks or dents in the walls or door. Make sure the door is always properly closed and latched. You can also have the microwave inspected by a professional at least once a year to ensure it is in good working condition.

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What to Do in Case of a Microwave Explosion?

If a microwave explosion occurs, it is important to stay calm and act quickly. First, turn off the microwave and unplug it from the power source. Then, open the microwave door and let it cool down. Do not touch the microwave or attempt to clean it up immediately. Wait for it to cool down completely before attempting to clean it up. If the explosion caused a fire, use a fire extinguisher or call 911 if necessary.


Microwave ovens are a convenient and essential appliance in most households. However, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with their use, including explosions. By following proper safety tips, such as avoiding metal objects and proper use and maintenance of the microwave, you can reduce the risk of explosions and keep yourself and your family safe.


  1. Can microwaves explode if they are empty?
  • Yes, microwaves can explode if they are empty. This is because the microwaves have nothing to absorb, causing them to bounce around the oven and create sparks.
  1. Can microwaves explode if they are turned on for too long?
  • Yes, microwaves can explode if they are turned on for too long. Overheating can cause the food to ignite or cause superheating, which can lead to an explosion.
  1. Is it safe to put plastic containers in the microwave?
  • It is generally safe to put microwave-safe plastic containers in the microwave. However, make sure to check the label to ensure that they are microwave-safe.
  1. Can a microwave explosion cause injuries?
  • Yes, a microwave explosion can cause injuries such as burns or cuts from broken glass. It is important to follow safety tips to prevent explosions and handle them carefully if they occur.
  1. How often should I inspect my microwave?
  • You should inspect your microwave regularly for any damage, such as cracks or dents, and have it professionally inspected at least once a year to ensure it is in good working condition.

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