Nutribullet Smells Like It’s Burning: Causes, Solutions, and Tips

Have you ever encountered the unsettling experience of your Nutribullet emitting a burning smell while in use? This unusual occurrence can be alarming and might leave you wondering if there’s a serious issue with your appliance. In this article, we’ll delve into the possible causes behind the phenomenon of a Nutribullet smelling like it’s burning, along with practical troubleshooting steps and preventive measures to ensure the longevity of your blender.

Understanding the Burning Smell

The distinct smell of burning that emerges from your Nutribullet can be concerning, but it’s crucial to address the issue promptly to prevent potential damage to your appliance. A burning odor often indicates a problem within the blender’s internal components that require attention.

Common Reasons Behind the Burning Smell

Heating of the Motor

One possible cause of the burning smell is the motor heating up due to prolonged usage. When the motor becomes excessively hot, it can emit a burnt odor. This can happen if you’re using your Nutribullet for an extended period without giving it time to cool down.

Overheating of the Blades

The blades of the Nutribullet can also contribute to the burning smell. If the blades are encountering resistance due to frozen ingredients or an overload, they might overheat and emit an unpleasant odor.

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Electrical Issues

Electrical problems within the blender can also be responsible for the burning smell. Loose connections or faulty wiring may lead to overheating and the accompanying odor.

Blending Tough Ingredients

Another factor that can contribute to the burning smell is blending tough ingredients. Hard foods like frozen fruits, large ice cubes, or fibrous vegetables can put extra strain on the motor, causing it to work harder and generate more heat. Consider cutting ingredients into smaller pieces and adding enough liquid to facilitate smoother blending.

Troubleshooting Steps

Checking the Power Source

Before jumping to conclusions, ensure that your Nutribullet is properly plugged into a functional power source. Sometimes, a loose connection can mimic a burning smell.

Inspecting the Blades

If the blades are obstructed by frozen fruits or other ingredients, they might be working harder than usual. Disassemble the blender and clean the blades thoroughly to prevent overheating.

Examining the Motor Base

Feel the base of the motor during and after usage. If it’s excessively hot to the touch, it’s a sign of overheating. Allow the motor to cool down before using it again.

Verifying the Cup Placement

Ensure that the blending cup is securely placed on the motor base. An improperly attached cup can cause the motor to strain and potentially lead to a burning smell.

Preventive Measures

Proper Usage Intervals

Avoid continuous usage for prolonged periods. Give your Nutribullet short breaks to cool down between blending sessions.

Ingredient Preparation

Cut ingredients into smaller pieces before blending to reduce strain on the motor and blades. Avoid overloading the cup with ingredients.

Cleaning Routine

Regularly clean the blades and the cup to prevent residue buildup, which can lead to overheating. A clean blender functions more efficiently.

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Storage Recommendations

Store your Nutribullet in a cool and dry place. Exposing it to high temperatures can lead to internal components becoming brittle and prone to overheating.

Seeking Professional Help

If the burning smell persists despite troubleshooting and preventive efforts, it’s advisable to seek assistance from a professional technician. Attempting to fix internal issues without proper knowledge can worsen the problem.


In conclusion, a Nutribullet emitting a burning smell can be a cause for concern, but it’s often an issue that can be addressed through careful usage and maintenance. By understanding the common causes, following troubleshooting steps, and adopting preventive measures, you can keep your Nutribullet functioning optimally and enjoy healthy blends without any unwanted odors.


  1. Is it normal for my Nutribullet to emit a slight smell during initial use? A faint odor during the first few uses is normal as the appliance adjusts to the manufacturing process. However, a strong burning smell is not typical and should be addressed.
  2. Can I use my Nutribullet immediately after a long blending session? It’s advisable to allow your Nutribullet to cool down for a few minutes before using it again, especially if you’ve been blending for an extended period.
  3. Why does my Nutribullet smell like plastic when it’s not in use? If your Nutribullet emits a plastic-like smell even when it’s not in use, it could indicate that the motor or other internal components are overheating.
  4. Are there specific ingredients that are more likely to cause overheating and a burning smell? Ingredients that are hard, frozen, or too large can strain the motor and blades, leading to overheating and the accompanying smell.
  5. Should I disassemble my Nutribullet for cleaning, including the blade assembly? Yes, it’s recommended to disassemble your Nutribullet for a thorough cleaning, including the blade assembly. This helps prevent residue buildup that can contribute to overheating and odors.

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